Rolando Hernandez, Founder & CEO of, is an eBusiness and CRM consultant with over 13 years experience building expert systems
and writing the business rules of Fortune 500 clients like Mobil Oil, Pepsi-Cola, Burger King, IBM, EDS, and Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines.
Rolando developed Mobil's Global Lube Knowledge Base Strategy and their global expert systems strategy. He programmed the business rules in Canada’s Social Security System, and he is IBM's business rules SME for a large US Government system modernization program. Rolando is currently implementing a rules-based CRM/CRS reservation system for a major cruise line, where he is writing their revenue management and marketing promotion rules. Rolando helped build the e-Commerce websites and, which was recently selected as Best of the Web Travel Sites by Forbes on 5/21/2001.
Rolando has an M.S. in Artificial Intelligence and a B.S. in Systems Analysis from the University of Miami, FL, USA. He is a speaker and author on CRM personalization, business rules, expert systems, and knowledge management.
Rolando Hernandez Cel 305.218.3834